Teaching Safety Skills For Life

We recently learnt about Adam’s story after his mum, Helen, got in touch with us. 14 year old Adam visited the Safety Centre when he was in KS 2 and has just started year 10 this September.

Helen told us how her mum was driving Adam and his younger sister in her car at the end of the summer holidays when they were in a car accident. Adam’s nan wasn’t able to get out of the car due to the impact of the accident.

Helen said

Adam remained calm, kept everyone else calm and called the emergency services. He said he knew exactly what to do from his trip to Hazard Alley all those years ago – so I wanted to say thank you to your team and to let you know the impact a visit to you has even years later.

My 12 year old daughter… didn’t know how to respond to the situation because she didn’t get a trip to Hazard Alley due to the pandemic.

Everyone was ok, a few bruises and shaken up. The car is not so good and will most likely be written off. Tell your team to keep doing what you do because it definitely has an impact.

Adam’s story highlights the long term impact of the safety education we deliver here at our education centre Hazard Alley and out into schools across the region. We know that learning through doing is the best way to absorb life skills so we know what to do when situations arise. Every time a visitor makes a practice 999 call at Hazard Alley they’re preparing themselves for real life situations when they urgently need help. As Helen said, giving the confidence to know what to do and how to get help.

Sarah Surridge, Marketing and Communications Manager at the Safety Centre said

Hearing Adam’s story reminds us of the importance of our work here at the Safety Centre charity. From visits to our education centre Hazard Alley to our sessions out in schools across the region there is so much to share with our young people about safety education that can help them in real life emergency situations and day to day life. We were pleased to learn that Adam’s visit gave him the skills and confidence to get the emergency help he needed after the car crash and that everyone was ok. If you’re reading this and think to yourself ‘my class needs this safety education’ please get in touch, we are here to help.

Book your next visit to our education centre Hazard Alley today by clicking here or invite our education team into your school to teach about a range of safety education topics by emailing educationteam@safetycentre.co.uk or calling 01908 263009.

Safety Centre Safety Skills For Life